
Showing posts from January, 2018

Bray Wyatt is a Psychopath

Bray Wyatt is one of the craziest individuals who you will ever have the misfortune to meet. He's a sociopath who loves playing psychological mind-games with his opponents (and anybody else who he meets on the street). He loves causing people to shit their pants out of fear of being violently attacked by him. But perhaps the scariest thing about Wyatt is his charisma: in the past he was able to convince a bunch of people to join his cult of personality. I'll talk more about the "Wyatt Family" in a few moments, but for now I want to focus on his own personal nuttiness. Bray Wyatt constantly said "follow the buzzards," a phrase that means you must follow him to know the truth about life. The actual truth is nobody would learn any kind of truth by following Bray Wyatt. You would be indoctrinated into his insane philosophy of life, and you would be forced to follow all of his orders. Bray doesn't believe in peace; he believes in chaos and violence. When you

Sonic Adventure 2 Video Game Review

Sonic Adventure 2 was arguably the greatest 3D Sonic game ever made. It was jam-packed with everything! It had great gameplay, a great story and very memorable characters. All of the playstyles were very fun and it had a little something for everybody. There were fast-paced stages, slower-paced shooting levels, and treasure hunting levels. The story in this game was very enduring: it introduced one of the best characters in the entire franchise - Shadow the Hedgehog. Let me just say this: Shadow the Hedgehog is no recolor. At first many Sonic fans thought that Shadow was going to just be a recolor of Sonic when they first saw the advertisements for the game. This was thankfully not the case. Shadow has an amazing set of abilities unique to him, which greatly separates him from Sonic. Shadow also has an incredible backstory which will leave players in tears when they fully realize his past. Shadow was such a popular character that he has made many appearances in other Sonic games. He ha

Bioshock Video Game Review

Bioshock is one of the most unique first-person shooters ever created. It's not a game where you can blast your way through and expect to be satisfied. The joy of playing this game comes from the exploration and the story. Learning about the setting that your character has been forced to be in is a real thrill and not many games can top it. Bioshock is also unique in the fact that the guns aren't the main highlight of the gameplay; instead it's the plasmids that take center stage. What are plasmids? I'll explain more as we go along in the review. For now I want to comment on the scope of this massive experience that the developers took. The developers didn't want to create an ordinary FPS. They wanted to make something way more grand. They wanted a true immersive experience that would keep players coming back for more and more and more. They wanted to make a city that felt real and alive. They wanted to make a game where the player could find something new the 100th

Stone Cold Steve Austin Should Be In Jail For Life

Stone Cold Steve Austin is a son of a bitch! He's a mean ornery man who is constantly pissed off over nothing. He's also a total lunatic! He's a rattlesnake who can strike anybody at any given time. He can even go off on his best friends, such as Jim Ross. His bad-temper can never really be tamed. Stone Cold is almost always in a bad mood and he takes out his frustrations by beating up other people. He loves to whip the ass of anybody who he doesn't like. Instead of being a gentleman and using his words to convey a proper message he chooses to kick the shit out of everybody. I would suggest that he go to therapy, but I doubt therapy would do any good at this point. In fact, he would probably end up giving the therapist a vicious Stone Cold Stunner and then spilling beer all over the pour soul. Did I mention that Steve Austin is a drunk? Yes, he constantly drinks beer and is basically an alcoholic. Beer is what fuels his rage. Even without beer, Stone Cold Steve Austin w

Matt Hardy's WWE Career Has Turned Into "Woken" Insanity

A few weeks ago Matt Hardy delved deep into insanity. He is no longer a stable person; he's now - for lack of a better term - a total wack job. In short he's now a nut. But why has he become this way? What happened to him? In my opinion he finally snapped after years of mediocrity. Let's not forget that Matt Hardy was a huge wrestling fan all his life. In fact, when Matt and Jeff were kids, it was Matt who was the much bigger fan of wrestling. It was Matt who had the dedication and the drive. However, it has been Jeff ("Brother Nero") who has had much more success. Matt Hardy never won a world title (the ECW Championship doesn't count). Jeff Hardy is a multiple time World Champion. Jeff Hardy has defeated some of the greats of all time, such as Triple H and Randy Orton. Jeff Hardy even almost defeated the Undertaker in a ladder match back in 2002. The fans have always seemed to gravitate much more towards Jeff than they have towards Matt. This has stirred a se

Braun Strowman is a Savage

Last night on Monday Night Raw at the start of the show Braun Strowman was fired by General Manager Kurt Angle. While I didn't agree with Angle's decision I still respected it. Let's not forget that last week on Raw Braun Strowman brought down part of the set on Brock Lesnar and Kane. This not only caused thousands of dollars of damage, but it also jeopardized the Raw world title match at the Royal Rumble. Braun Strowman truly acted like a damn animal, and severe action had to be taken. I personally wouldn't have fired him; I would've just fined him a very large sum of money. However, it's not me who's in charge. The great Kurt Angle is in charge. His decision should've been final. But did Strowman walk away with peace and dignity? No! He went on a vicious rampage! First he attacked the security that was trying to escort him out of the building. Then he went into Kurt Angle's office and he tore it up. Then he started knocking over trashcans in the

The Commuter Review

"The Commuter" was another Liam Neeson classic: it had plenty of action, drama, fireworks, and 100% Liam Neeson. It definitely isn't the greatest film ever made, but it's a fun non-stop action ride that leaves viewers on the edge of their seat the entire time. In short this is the epitome of what a Liam Neeson film is nowadays. Some people lament the fact that Liam Neeson has been playing the same kind of character for years: a badass (the only thing that changes is whether or not he's a hero or villain). For example, in Batman Begins he was the main antagonist, but he was still a badass. He was even able to throw around Batman around like a ragdoll multiple times in that movie. Not even Heath Ledger's Joker was that much of a physical threat. The Joker was a major psychological terrorist, but Batman could easily physically kick the crap out of him (once he got his hands on the Joker). But as stated before, many people are sad that this is all Liam Neeson does

The Greatest Showman Was Social Justice Done Correctly

The Greatest Showman was one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. Unlike the usual drivel that comes out of the anus of Hollywood, this film had great acting, great music, and above all, a great message. What was the message? It was if you work hard and don't let a physical deformity hold you back, then you can make a decent living in this world and have a good life. Nowadays, whenever somebody is disabled or has a deformity, they go to the government for support. Democrats are giving people hand-outs. This does two things: 1. it gives the person just enough to survive (but not be truly happy). 2. It guarantees that these people will be a constant voting block for the Democrat party. This trickery is truly sickening! However, in the Greatest Showman PT Barnum offered a bunch of people with "oddities" something else - the chance to work for him and make a lot of money by giving people a show they have never seen before. This proves that the private sector is

Super Smash Brothers is a Nintendo Fan's Dream

Back in 1999 did you ever dream that you could take control of Mario and fight Pickachu? Did you ever dream that star fox could fight Link? Did you ever dream that multiple Nintendo characters from various franchises could all come together and fight, fight, FIGHT?! Well, the first Super Smash Bros game (N64) made that all possible. It allowed you to take control of your favorite Nintendo character and have them beat the holy hell out of each other. It makes me wonder if a Biblical game could ever be made with the same concept in mind. Could there ever be a game where Moses and King David fight each other to the death! Well, maybe not... but I can dream, can't I? Regardless, Super Smash Bros was a huge hit for Nintendo. Many copies were sold and it helped solidify the N64 as a great multiplayer console. However, it wasn't until the next entrant in the series when Super Smash Bros became a legendary franchise. Super Smash Bros Melee was the Nintendo Gamecube's killer app!

John Cena is the Greatest Wrestler of All Time

John Cena has been in the WWE for almost 16 years. In this time span he has won many titles: multiple United States championships, tag team championships, and he's a 17x world champion. No other wrestler has won more world titles than John Cena. Some people might say that it doesn't actually matter how many world titles a competitor has won. These people say that the length of each title reign and the caliber of their competition is the thing that matters. I actually agree with all this. I took all of this into consideration. Some people will pick Hulk Hogan or Bruno Samartino because of their world title reigns that lasted for multiple years. John Cena's longest title reign lasted a little over a year (he had to forfeit the title in October of 2007 due to injury; he had been champion since September 2006). John Cena never had a title reign that lasted four years straight like Hogan, but this doesn't matter in my opinion. The biggest factor of a great champion is the le

Is The Undertaker Really Gone?

Last year at Wrestlemania it looked like the Undertaker was dead! He had just been defeated by Roman Reigns in the main event, and when the dust cleared the Undertaker seemed like he was drained of his powers. He left his iconic jacket and hat in the middle of the ring - symbolizing the fact that his aura was gone. Later that night the Undertaker died in his sleep... or so we thought! Rumors are now swirling around that the Undertaker is going to show up to the 25th anniversary of Monday Night Raw. Is it possible that the Undertaker never really died? Is it possible that the Undertaker's spirit still lingers out there just waiting to return at the proper moment? Is it possible that the Undertaker is not finished? I hope for the sake of everything that is good and righteous that the Undertaker will never come back. Let's not forget that the Undertaker is one of the most evil things to ever come into existence. Let's not forget that the Undertaker is an undead Zombie who lo

Why Does Kane Wear A Mask?

Kane is one of the craziest and scariest creatures to ever come into existence. What is he exactly? Not a whole lot is known about Kane, but we do know these simple facts: 1. he's the brother of the Undertaker. 2. He's a demon (one of the devil's favorites). 3. He has psychological scars from when the Undertaker burned down the family home and left Kane for dead. Kane has had a truly insane life. Kane himself is the epitome of insanity. He loves causing people pain - just like the pain he had to suffer during his childhood. Paul Bearer raised Kane like his own son. But even though Paul Bearer loved Kane and showed him compassion, Kane still turned on him many times and he violently attacked him multiple times. In essence, Kane bit the hand that fed him. Kane can't form long lasting emotional relationships. The only relationships he can have are either sexual in nature, or ones where he's the total dominate party. Kane had two female companions in his life: Katie V

Who Will Win The 2018 Royal Rumble?

The road to Wrestlemania is going to begin in a few weeks. This is the start of the most exciting part of the year in the wrestling world. As a major wrestling fan, I can't wait for all the mania to begin. The first area on the road to Wrestlemania is the 2018 Royal Rumble. For those of you who don't know what the Royal Rumble match is, it's a huge 30-man battle royal where 29 of the 30 men must be tossed over the top rope and both of their feet must touch the floor for the them to be eliminated. The last man standing wins the match and gets a WWE world title shot at Wrestlemania. Who will go to New Orleans and get this coveted world title match? Will it be John Cena? Will it be Finn Baylor? Will it be Randy Orton? Will it be Kevin Owens? Woken Matt Hardy? Jeff Hardy? Bray Wyatt? Who? I'm predicting right here that it will be Roman Reigns who wins this year's Royal Rumble and goes on to Wrestlemania. I'm also predicting that Brock Lesnar is going to retain the

Monday Night Raw Will Be 25 Years Old Soon

In a few weeks WWE Monday Night Raw will be celebrating its 25th birthday. Monday Night Raw has now been the flagship show of World Wrestling Entertainment for 25 years. As a huge wrestling fan I'm amazed at what Vince McMahon has been able to accomplish. It was his vision back in January of 1993 that made this all possible. Never before had there been a live weekly wrestling show. Mr. McMahon knew it could be done, and through testicular fortitude he made his grand vision come true. There were many struggles along the way - most namely the "The Monday Night Wars" where WCW's Monday Nitro almost put WWE out of business. Thankfully Vince, WWE and Raw won the hard-fought "Monday Night Wars." This was almost as good of a victory as the allies victory in World War 2. From 1996-2001 it was a huge fight between Raw and Nitro. Raw came out on top! My favorite Raw moment was when John Cena made his Monday night debut. Cena was truly ready for the big time. He made