Matt Hardy's WWE Career Has Turned Into "Woken" Insanity

A few weeks ago Matt Hardy delved deep into insanity. He is no longer a stable person; he's now - for lack of a better term - a total wack job. In short he's now a nut. But why has he become this way? What happened to him? In my opinion he finally snapped after years of mediocrity. Let's not forget that Matt Hardy was a huge wrestling fan all his life. In fact, when Matt and Jeff were kids, it was Matt who was the much bigger fan of wrestling. It was Matt who had the dedication and the drive. However, it has been Jeff ("Brother Nero") who has had much more success. Matt Hardy never won a world title (the ECW Championship doesn't count). Jeff Hardy is a multiple time World Champion. Jeff Hardy has defeated some of the greats of all time, such as Triple H and Randy Orton. Jeff Hardy even almost defeated the Undertaker in a ladder match back in 2002. The fans have always seemed to gravitate much more towards Jeff than they have towards Matt. This has stirred a seething anger in Matt all these years. This has caused jealousy and envy. This has caused resentment and a fire inside of him that has never gone away!

Let me be clear, I myself have always been a fan of Matt. I knew despite his mediocre ability he could accomplish a lot. He indeed did accomplish quite a bit. Even though he was never a world champion, he still won multiple United States titles and Tag-Team Championships. He has had a career that he can be proud of. Not everybody is World Title material. Jeff Hardy, despite being much less passionate than Matt, always had a lot more natural talent. This is why Jeff was the Hardy who won World Titles. Matt could never handle this fact. I remember feeling very bad for the whole family when Matt snapped back in early 2009 and turned on Jeff. This led to a brutal match at WrestleMania 25. A few months after WrestleMania that year things were resolved between the two brothers. Jeff forgave Matt for his betrayal and violence towards him, but Matt never truly let things go. Deep down in Matt's heart he knew he could never reach Jeff's success. Matt always gritted his teeth and tried to play things cool, but in his heart of hearts he has always hated Jeff!

When the Hardy Boys returned to WWE last year it looked like the duo would be back on top in no time. It certainly appeared that way. They won the Tag-Team titles on their very first night back in an epic ladder match at Mania! However, things didn't go well from there. They lost the titles a few months later and this enraged Matt. He blamed Jeff for the loss. In reality he couldn't stand being in Jeff's shadow anymore. This was it for any sanity Matt had left. He finally became "Woken." Who is "Woken" Matt Hardy exactly? He's basically Matt Hardy's insane alter ego. When Matt is "Woken" it means that he believes he has finally awoken to the reality of his life story - that his WWE career has always been relatively mediocre compared to his brother Jeff. Matt now has finally let himself be ingrained to the fact that he hates the fact he never won a world title. In essence he has become very loopy. Have you ever wanted something so much but it never came true, and for a while you were in state of lunacy (whether it be in the form of a dopey lunacy or enraged lunacy)? Well, this is who Matt Hardy is now! However, this won't just last for a little while. This will probably last for a very long time. It may never go away. Matt wants vengeance on "Brother Nero." Matt is now such a nut that he even made up a new name for Jeff - "Brother Nero." Matt can't truly bear to annihilate Jeff, so he has conjured up a new person in his head in place of the real one. In Matt's mind "Brother Nero" is an evil person who has taken everything away from him and must be destroyed!

What can we do to help Matt? Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's anything we can do at the moment to help Matt. All we can do is pray that he gets back to a state of sanity in the near future.


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