CM Punk is the WORST Wrestler Ever

Let's just face the facts - CM Punk was never meant for the big time. To use a theatre analogy, CM Punk was not a Broadway star! He was an off-Broadway star at best. CM Punk was never meant for the big time. CM Punk was not meant for the major leagues. He should've stayed in the minors. CM Punk was never above the level of AAA! CM Punk never had the natural ability to hang with the great wrestlers in the business. CM Punk never had the work ethic to make it in the WWE. CM Punk never had the physical stamina to take on the grueling schedule that WWE wrestlers must endure. CM Punk was a physically weak, scrawny man! His body would always quickly break down, and he would just whine and complain (and make constant excuses)! CM Punk should've just stayed in the bingo halls where he belonged!

CM Punk started off in the indies. This is not necessarily anything to be ashamed of. Many great wrestlers, such as Daniel Bryan, started of in the indies. However, CM Punk never improved his skills. He was a terrible wrestler from the very beginning and he never made an attempt to improve himself. Whenever he lost, he would just throw a childish temper-tantrum. Whenever somebody tried to mentor him, he would quickly disregard their advice. Whenever somebody tried to befriend him, he would scoff at them and make them feel like crap. Because of the low competition in the indies, CM Punk was able to win the ROH title on a few different occasions. After he won the ROH title for the final time in the summer of 2005, CM Punk showed his truly evil nature: he stood in the middle of the ring and it looked like he was about to express how thankful he was. It looked like he was going to show his gratitude to all of the fans. However, CM Punk fooled everybody and he proclaimed to the crowd that he didn't give a damn what they thought of him. He said that he tricked everybody into thinking he was a nice guy - and then he revealed that he was a dangerous man! He even said he was the devil himself (this is one of the few truthful things CM Punk has ever said)! As the crowd yelled "what a prick," CM Punk left the arena. He showed that not only was he a huge asshole, but he showed that he was borderline psychotic! This led to what is known as "The Summer of Punk." During the summer of 2005 CM Punk displayed his arrogance and showed he was nothing but a jackass. He lost the title a little while later and went off to WWE.

Why Vince McMahon ever gave CM Punk a chance to wrestler for the WWE is beyond me. Normally Vince McMahon is a genius, but this was one of the stupidest decisions that Vince ever made. CM Punk should've never been given a spot on the roster. Thankfully Vince knew that CM Punk wasn't ready for the big time right away. Vince sent CM Punk to Ohio Valley Wrestling, a minor league affiliate of WWE. CM Punk threw a hissy fit when he heard he was being sent to Ohio Valley. After CM Punk was done making an ass of himself, he accepted the fact that he had to work his way up and he debuted in OVW. CM Punk was extremely mediocre during his time in OVW, but for some reason Paul Heyman would always praise CM Punk and he advocated for him. I think Paul Heyman really knew CM Punk was a nothing but he thought he could manipulate him and make CM Punk one of his clients. Paul Heyman is always looking for the next "Paul Heyman Guy" who he can manipulate for his own advantage. Heyman knew that Punk could help make him millions. This is why when the ECW brand of WWE started in June 2006, Heyman put him on the roster.

Going from OVW to ECW was a small promotion for Punk. He was still wrestling in bingo halls, but he was now at least appearing on official WWE television. Despite the mediocre competition in ECW, CM Punk floundered around for a long time. During the summer of 2007 CM Punk was given multiple ECW title opportunities against John Morrison. John Morrison was just an okay wrestler, but CM Punk failed to defeat him on the first two opportunities that were given to him! CM Punk was given one last opportunity to win the title in the main event of an episode of ECW in September 2007. CM Punk was able to barely win the match. CM Punk held onto the title for a few months before losing it to Chavo Guerrero. I don't mean any disrespect to the Guerrero family (Eddie Guerrero is one of the greats of all time), but Chavo was always a lousy wrestler. CM Punk couldn't even beat Chavo Guerrero, which proves that CM Punk was always a terrible wrestler.

The only thing good about CM Punk is he has a tendency to be very lucky. After losing the ECW title it looked like CM Punk would be finished and go off into obscurity. However, he was put into the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 24 (he didn't deserve to be a participant in the match). During all the chaos, CM Punk was able to win the Money in the Bank contract. A few months later, CM Punk cashed in on an injured Edge (who had just got beat up by Batista)! CM Punk won the World Heavyweight Championship. Some people look at this as a tremendous feat. I don't! The fact of the matter is CM Punk won the championship in one of the cheapest ways ever! He ambushed Edge - who wasn't expecting to have a match that night - and defeated him after he had been attacked by Batista a few seconds earlier. This world title win was ridiculous! But nevertheless, CM Punk was the world champion. He only held it for a short amount of time before being physically unable to compete in the championship scramble match at Night of Champions 2008. CM Punk's body broke down and he wasn't even able to defend the title. Afterwards CM Punk just whined and complained.

For the next few months, CM Punk teamed up with Kofi Kingston. It was clear that Kofi was carrying them both. CM Punk was definitely the weaker of the two. Because of the work of Kofi Kingston, the two of them were able to win the tag team titles. They lost the titles a short while later. At WrestleMania 25, for some reason, CM Punk was once again placed in the Money in the Bank ladder match. In all the confusion that ensues in every MITB match, CM Punk was once again able to win the contract. He ended up cashing in on an injured Jeff Hardy, who had just been in a grueling match against Edge. CM Punk was once again World Champion. Being a two time World Champion would instantly solidify the greatness of any wrestler's career. However, CM Punk won his two World Titles in the cheapest way imaginable. It only solidified the fact that CM Punk was crap!

CM Punk lost the title a few months later to the Undertaker. For the next little while CM Punk floundered around again. He formed the Straight Edge Society, but it was obvious that these guys were all a bunch of mediocre nobodies. They weren't a great and powerful group like the Four Horsemen, NWO, DX, or Evolution! CM Punk lost to Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania 26, and he also lost to Mysterio on multiple other occasions during the months that followed. Punk ended up getting injured sometime during the summer of 2010 and he was out of action for a little while. When CM Punk came back he usurped the leadership position of Nexus from Wade Barrett. The group went under and disbanded during his leadership. Punk lost to Randy Orton at WrestleMania 27.

It looked like CM Punk was going to be done with WWE. But then in a display of extreme arrogance, CM Punk got on the microphone during the ending of an episode of Monday Night Raw in July 2011. He ripped on all the people who had made him a something. He told terrible lies about Vince McMahon and the McMahon family. He said horrible things about Triple H. He claimed that WWE was biased against him because Paul Heyman liked him. He even tried to claim that he was better than John Cena! This was all a bunch of bullshit! Unfortunately, even though it was clear CM Punk was just a shithead, many people who were watching that evening really liked it. They viewed it as edgy. I was the only one who saw it as CM Punk just being a jackass. This promo was so popular that CM Punk was actually rewarded with a WWE title match at the Money in the Bank PPV. During the match, John Cena got distracted and CM Punk took advantage of it and won the most prestigious title in the wrestling world, the WWE Championship. But I must point out the fact that CM Punk cheated. CM Punk could never win the title cleanly. He always had to cheat. CM Punk couldn't even get his title opportunities in a legitimate fashion. He either had to win the Money in the Bank or he had to throw a hissy fit in order to be given a championship opportunity. He was never considered a real legitimate contender for the title.

After making millions of dollars from WWE and becoming a household name, CM Punk decided to screw Vince McMahon in January 2014 and he walked away before his contract expired. CM Punk showed just what a coward he truly was. Towards the end of 2014, CM Punk did an interview on Colt Cabana's podcast. He told a bunch of lies about Vince McMahon, Triple H, Dr. Chris Amann, and WWE as a whole. CM Punk put all the blame of his mediocrity on other people. CM Punk was always a lousy wrestler. CM Punk never had the physical stamina to be a great star. CM Punk was truly a nothing in this business. But CM Punk never accepted these facts; he just decided to tell lies about other people in order to make himself look good. The only true thing CM Punk said in the podcast was that he shit in his pants on few different occasions when he was wrestling matches in WWE. CM Punk proved that he was a piece of shit and the worst wrestler who ever lived. As for CM Punk's UFC run, he got his ass kicked two times and left with his tail between his legs.

That fact is - CM Punk is a total disgrace!  


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