
Showing posts from September, 2018

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Will Make The Nintendo Switch UNSTOPPABLE

Since the N64, Nintendo has been the one looking up. Even though the N64 was a fantastic console, unfortunately many people liked the PlayStation better. During the mid-late 90s the Sony PlayStation reigned supreme. I'm not saying that the PlayStation was a bad system - in fact, I actually admire the PlayStation. It's definitely true that Sony outwitted Nintendo, and they modernized much more quickly than Nintendo did. While Nintendo was still using outdated cartridges, Sony put their games on CDs. CDs had a lot more space on them than the cartridges that Nintendo was using. This meant that PlayStation games had better graphics and more complex games. It also meant that they could use voice acting, and developers for the PlayStation could create great stories that utilized voice acting and awesome cut-scenes. I can actually see why people enjoyed the PlayStation more, and why it ultimately sold more consoles than the N64. Even though the N64 actually had more legendary games -

CM Punk is the WORST Wrestler Ever

Let's just face the facts - CM Punk was never meant for the big time. To use a theatre analogy, CM Punk was not a Broadway star! He was an off-Broadway star at best. CM Punk was never meant for the big time. CM Punk was not meant for the major leagues. He should've stayed in the minors. CM Punk was never above the level of AAA! CM Punk never had the natural ability to hang with the great wrestlers in the business. CM Punk never had the work ethic to make it in the WWE. CM Punk never had the physical stamina to take on the grueling schedule that WWE wrestlers must endure. CM Punk was a physically weak, scrawny man! His body would always quickly break down, and he would just whine and complain (and make constant excuses)! CM Punk should've just stayed in the bingo halls where he belonged! CM Punk started off in the indies. This is not necessarily anything to be ashamed of. Many great wrestlers, such as Daniel Bryan, started of in the indies. However, CM Punk never improved

Star Wars The Last Jedi Was The WORST Film In The Entire Franchise

Star Wars was once a proud movie franchise. There were countless memorable moments - such as Darth Vader's breathtaking introduction, Luke Skywalker meeting Obi Wan Kenobi, the Millennium Falcon blasting out of Mos Eisley, Obi Wan facing Vader on the Death Star, the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of Hoth, Luke getting state-of-the-art training from Yoda, Luke facing Vader and learning the awful truth about his family's history, the rescue of Han Solo from Jabba the Hut, the Battle of Endor, Luke facing Vader for the second time, Luke resisting Emperor Palpatine's temptations to turn to the dark side, and many many more. Even the prequel trilogy, which is criminally underrated, had so many memorable and iconic moments. The original trilogy and prequel films had awesome music - John Williams was at his absolute best when he composed the songs for the first six films. Star Wars was an epic space opera that capsulated the fight of good versus evil. There were lightsaber battles an

Roman Reigns Needs To Estrange Himself From The Shield

Roman Reigns definitely has the potential to be an all-time great legend. He has the athletic ability, physical stamina, strength, and the testicular fortitude necessary to be a great world champion. His rise to the top happened very quickly. After the Shield initially broke up and all three members went their own separate ways in 2014, Roman Reigns quickly made a name for himself as a singles star. He dominated the singles division for months and he went on to win the 2015 Royal Rumble. This is when the smart marks started to turn on him. Smart marks don't know shit about professional wrestling! They just latch on to the flavor of the month for a little while, and then when that person reaches the top, the smarks end up turning on them. They only like a wrestler when he happens to be an underdog. Even if a guy has absolutely no talent - such as Zack Ryder - the smarks will latch on to him until he becomes too big in their eyes (Zack Ryder never reached the big time). What the smar