Super Smash Bros Ultimate Will Make The Nintendo Switch UNSTOPPABLE
Since the N64, Nintendo has been the one looking up. Even though the N64 was a fantastic console, unfortunately many people liked the PlayStation better. During the mid-late 90s the Sony PlayStation reigned supreme. I'm not saying that the PlayStation was a bad system - in fact, I actually admire the PlayStation. It's definitely true that Sony outwitted Nintendo, and they modernized much more quickly than Nintendo did. While Nintendo was still using outdated cartridges, Sony put their games on CDs. CDs had a lot more space on them than the cartridges that Nintendo was using. This meant that PlayStation games had better graphics and more complex games. It also meant that they could use voice acting, and developers for the PlayStation could create great stories that utilized voice acting and awesome cut-scenes. I can actually see why people enjoyed the PlayStation more, and why it ultimately sold more consoles than the N64. Even though the N64 actually had more legendary games - ...