Star Wars The Last Jedi Was The WORST Film In The Entire Franchise

Star Wars was once a proud movie franchise. There were countless memorable moments - such as Darth Vader's breathtaking introduction, Luke Skywalker meeting Obi Wan Kenobi, the Millennium Falcon blasting out of Mos Eisley, Obi Wan facing Vader on the Death Star, the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of Hoth, Luke getting state-of-the-art training from Yoda, Luke facing Vader and learning the awful truth about his family's history, the rescue of Han Solo from Jabba the Hut, the Battle of Endor, Luke facing Vader for the second time, Luke resisting Emperor Palpatine's temptations to turn to the dark side, and many many more. Even the prequel trilogy, which is criminally underrated, had so many memorable and iconic moments. The original trilogy and prequel films had awesome music - John Williams was at his absolute best when he composed the songs for the first six films. Star Wars was an epic space opera that capsulated the fight of good versus evil. There were lightsaber battles and political struggles. There were dogfights in space and the conquest to defeat a horrible despot and corrupt system of government. It was the perfect blend of everything that a person could want when going to see a movie. The first six films had something for everybody. Even the people who hated the prequel films still admitted that they loved the music and the awesome lightsaber battles. Unfortunately, the new Star Wars movies that Disney has produced (not counting the side stories - Rogue One and Solo) have been absolute shit!

The Force Awakens was total crap! The story was terrible. The acting was awful. I didn't care about the good guys. The villains were not at all menacing or intimidating, and they were extremely cliché and didn't impose an aura of menace - like a good villain should. The story of The Force Awakens was just a rehash of A New Hope. There may have been a few slight differences, but it's clear that this was NOT an original story. Even the people who hated the prequel films have to admit that it was an original story - detailing the collapse of the old republic and rise of the evil empire. The Force Awakens was almost a copy-and-paste of A New Hope. Rey starts off on a desert planet, Jakku, and is suddenly forced into a wider galactic battle when she comes into contact with a droid who the First Order is trying to capture. This is almost the same as A New Hope where Luke starts off on a desert planet, Tatooine, and he is forced into a wider galactic battle after he meets two droids who the Empire is trying to capture. Rey meets up with Finn - a man who has defected from the first order - and they end up stealing the Millennium Falcon and blast their way off of Jakku while First Order Tie Fighters are chasing them. This is extremely similar to how Luke and Obi Wan Kenobi convince Han Solo to take them away from Tatooine, but just as the gang is about to leave, Stormtroopers attack the group of misfits and they have to blast away from Tatooine in a haste. In the middle of the film, Rey gets captured and taken to the Starkiller Base. In a New Hope, Leia gets captured and is brought aboard the Death Star. Both of these ladies are interrogated (and it's implied that they're even tortured) for information. At the end of both A New Hope and The Force Awakens, a squadron of Rebel forces (they're called "the resistance" in The Force Awakens... how original) attempt to destroy the Death Star... Starkiller Base! Did I mention that Starkiller Base has the ability to destroy multiple planets at once - it's basically just a Death Star on steroids. The acting was just plain terrible. I didn't care about any of the good guys: Rey was just a Mary Sue. She was already great at everything without any training. Luke Skywalker had to train with Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda before he was able to hone in on his force abilities. Rey was able to use the Jedi mind trick - an ability that Luke Skywalker wasn't able to use until Return of the Jedi after studying under Obi Wan and Yoda. Finn had potential to be a great character, but the writing failed him. It would've been interesting to see a defector from the First Order, but they made Finn into a goofy uncoordinated comedic relief character. Why couldn't Finn be a serious character who is sick of the violence and despotism of the first order, and who is at least somewhat capable of being an asset to the resistance? Why did Finn have to be a comedic relief character? Finn should've been a great character - potentially one of the best in the entire Star Wars franchise - but instead he's actually one of the worst. Kylo Ren is definitely the worst villain in the entire saga! When wearing that hideous mask, his voice sounds silly - it sounds like he should be in a Star Wars parody film, NOT in one of the actual Star Wars movies. But when he takes off the mask, it's even worse! Kylo Ren doesn't look intimidating at all. There were a few instances when Kylo Ren got really angry, but his outbursts came across as childish temper tantrums, NOT chilling acts of a truly terrifying villain. And Kylo Ren, who had supposedly trained under Luke Skywalker before turning to the dark side (and has had years of experience), loses a lightsaber duel to a girl with no training. What a disgrace! The music in The Force Awakens was mediocre at best.

But as bad as The Force Awakens was, The Last Jedi was even worse! In the original trilogy the rebel alliance was supposed to be an allegory of the United States of America. The noble and heroic actions of the rebel alliance was a reflection of the heroic and noble actions of the United States of America throughout history. The Empire was an amalgamation of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. The Jedi Knights were an allegory of Jews - who's mission it is to bring light, peace and justice to the galaxy. Jews in real life have the mandate from God to be a light to the nations. The Jedi Knights, just like Jews, had a prophecy that a person called "The Chosen One" would bring balance to the force and destroy the Sith once and for all. Obviously this was a metaphor of Jesus and his role as "Messiah." However, there was an interesting twist in the Star Wars universe: Anakin Skywalker, who was supposed to be "The Chosen One," turned to the dark side. He was eventually redeemed by his son Luke Skywalker. The Son redeems the world. The son of Anakin Skywalker redeems him - and Anakin Skywalker ends up fulfilling his destiny as "The Chosen One" and he destroys the Sith. Sadly, all the great metaphors and allegories in the first six films were completely destroyed. Now the Rebel Alliance... "Resistance" is a bunch of blue-haired social justice warriors. Captain Blue Hair didn't like the fact that Poe Dameron - one of the few good characters in these god awful Disney movies - is a confident male. Even though it's not directly stated, it's clear that Disney wanted to send a message that masculinity is a bad thing. This is a bunch of bullshit! Masculinity is the thing that builds the world. All throughout history it has been confident and masculine men who have created the best and most legendary societies in the entire world! Captain Blue Hair is just some feminist imbecile who can't handle the fact that Poe Dameron is a great pilot and a confident, self-assured man. Furthermore, Rose has to be one of the worst characters in all of movie history. Her snarky remarks about the casino planet being rich therefore it's bad was just a bunch of SJW Marxist bullshit. As I stated before, the Empire in the original trilogy was an amalgamation of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia; but now the Empire... "First Order" is rich and affluent people. When will leftists realize rich people aren't evil? The people who wrote Last Jedi were probably a bunch of Marxists who want to make the United States and Europe a socialist mess. Socialism doesn't work! How many times do we have to repeat the Socialist experiment to see it's nothing short of a complete disaster? This madness needs to stop! Every country that has accepted Socialism went straight down the toilet! Yet the liberal idiots who worked on Last Jedi still have dreams of a non-existent Socialist paradise. Luke Skywalker is supposed to be Rey's teacher but he doesn't actually teach her a damn thing! He just rambles on about how bad the Jedi were! Isn't this the same Luke Skywalker who believed Darth Vader, one the biggest mass murderers in the history of the Star Wars galaxy, could be redeemed? When did Luke Skywalker become such a cynic? This is way out of character of Luke. In fact, this is so out of character that I truly believe that the people who wrote Last Jedi never even saw the original trilogy. That's the only decent explanation for how they could've got things so wrong. Kylo Ren is still a huge loser in this movie. Finn is still a lousy comedic relief character. The music is mediocre! And in another cut-and-paste moment, there is a huge battle on a snow planet. Wasn't there a big snow planet battle in the second film of the original trilogy? Just face the facts, this film was absolute shit!    


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