Super Smash Bros Ultimate Will Make The Nintendo Switch UNSTOPPABLE

Since the N64, Nintendo has been the one looking up. Even though the N64 was a fantastic console, unfortunately many people liked the PlayStation better. During the mid-late 90s the Sony PlayStation reigned supreme. I'm not saying that the PlayStation was a bad system - in fact, I actually admire the PlayStation. It's definitely true that Sony outwitted Nintendo, and they modernized much more quickly than Nintendo did. While Nintendo was still using outdated cartridges, Sony put their games on CDs. CDs had a lot more space on them than the cartridges that Nintendo was using. This meant that PlayStation games had better graphics and more complex games. It also meant that they could use voice acting, and developers for the PlayStation could create great stories that utilized voice acting and awesome cut-scenes. I can actually see why people enjoyed the PlayStation more, and why it ultimately sold more consoles than the N64. Even though the N64 actually had more legendary games - such as Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mario Party, Goldeneye, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong 64, Perfect Dark, Duck Dodgers, Rogue Squadron, ect - the PlayStation just had the reputation as a cooler system. All of the cool kids wanted a PlayStation. Nintendo was no longer the king of video games. In the early 90s Nintendo had won the war of video game supremacy from Sega. Mario defeated Sonic the Hedgehog. Nintendo was on such a high that they never saw Sony and the PlayStation coming. From that point on Sony reigned supreme. However, a game that came out for the N64 late in its run would end up spawning a series that will bring Nintendo back to the top of the mountain. That game was the original Super Smash Bros. We'll get back to that later.

The Nintendo Gamecube was an awesome system. There are so many great games that came out on the Gamecube, but it never got the respect it deserved. Why? There are two reasons: the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. The PlayStation 2 was the greatest selling system of all time. Even though I don't like many of the games for the PS2, I can see the "cool factor" it has. It's no secret that I hate the GTA franchise! However, I can see why the series is popular. GTA 3 was a groundbreaking game that made gamers stand in awe of what they could do. GTA Vice City increased the cool factor by improving every thing people liked about GTA 3 and adding an awesome sound track with many legendary songs from the 1980s (it also had many shout-outs to the Al Pacino classic "Scarface"). GTA San Andreas was the considered by many to be the greatest PlayStation 2 era GTA game. Even though I absolutely despise the GTA franchise, I can see the appeal, and I fully understand why people like it. The PlayStation had exclusive rights to the GTA games for a few years (for some reason Sony didn't retain the exclusive rights for the GTA games, and now GTA games come out for both the PlayStation consoles and Xbox consoles). It was going to be extremely difficult for Nintendo to compete with that. But to make matters worse, Microsoft came out with a system of their own. The Xbox came on the scene in 2001 and it showcased Halo. Before Halo came out, Goldeneye was considered the best first-person shooter game on a console. Halo changed everything. Halo had awesome graphics, fun gameplay, and a compelling story that spawned an entire franchise of books and action figures. Halo also had very fun multiplayer gameplay. A few years later, Halo 2 came out and it's online gameplay was legendary. The Nintendo Gamecube couldn't compete. I'll be honest, Nintendo should've foreseen that online gameplay would be the future. Nintendo has always been very innovative, but since the late 90s they've always been a few steps behind in some key areas - most namely the power of their systems (which is behind the systems that Microsoft and Sony have made), and online gameplay. Online gameplay for the Nintendo Gamecube was almost nonexistent. Furthermore, Nintendo decided to use very small disks for the Gamecube games. This put a great strain on developers because those small disks had very little space, which meant game developers were greatly limited when they tried to make Gamecube games. Nintendo lost virtually all of its third party support. Third party video game developers went on to make games for Sony and Microsoft. It looked like Nintendo was done. The Gamecube was an awesome system with numerous great games, but in the eyes of many gamers it looked like a child's toy compared to the PS2 and Xbox. But a phoenix was about to rise from the ashes. Gamecube had an ace in the hole. Super Smash Bros Melee helped keep the Gamecube afloat. The original Super Smash Bros game had a cult following. Super Smash Bros Melee blasted its way into the mainstream. Even people who had abandoned Nintendo still wanted to play Melee. This helped keep Gamecube sales respectable and it kept Nintendo afloat. Melee is an absolutely legendary game, and many gamers still consider it the best in the entire series. Melee was not just a great game to play alone, it was truly one of the greatest multiplayer games of all time. Millions of people have fond memories of spending hours playing Melee with their friends. Millions of kids and teenagers spent countless hours at parties playing Melee. It's still known as one of the greatest party games of all time. Nintendo was down but they weren't out.

Before the Wii debuted in 2006, most critics and video game journalists thought that the PlayStation 3 would easily trounce the Wii. Shockingly the Wii ended up kicking the PS3s ass in the beginning. For the first few years the Wii greatly outsold the PS3 and Xbox 360. It looked like Nintendo would regain the top spot. However, after the initial years passed by, gamers got sick of the Wii. I love Nintendo, but I'll tell the truth - the Wii was filled with shovelware. The Wii was filled with crappy games that forced you to use the Wii remote in very awkward and unfun ways. It was also clear after a short time that the motion controls weren't all they were hyped up to be. The motion controls hardly ever worked perfectly, and even when it did work well, it was still very tiring on the wrist to keep swinging the remote in awkward ways. The Wii remote motion controls were actually more annoying than fun. Many people just wanted to use a traditional controller (that maybe had slight motion control). Many gamers went back the PlayStation 3 and Xbox one. The Wii, after a few years, also gained the reputation that it was a system that only little kids and elderly people could enjoy. Teenagers and young adults definitely didn't think the Wii was cool. Even though Nintendo technically won that console cycle, it didn't feel like a very triumphant victory at all. In fact, in the eyes of many, the Wii actually set Nintendo back quite a bit. Furthermore, Nintendo still didn't learn their lesson about online. The Nintendo Wifi Network was complete crap! The online would never run smoothly, and friend codes were extremely annoying. It was definitely inferior to the online that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 had. But on a good note - Super Smash Brawl was another hit in the now legendary franchise.

Nintendo thought they were going to have a big winner with the WiiU. Sadly, the WiiU was a huge disaster. I liked the WiiU, but even I will admit that the WiiU was Nintendo's weakest console. Gamers were sick of the Wii at this point, and they definitely didn't want a Wii 2.0! Many people didn't even know that the WiiU was a brand new console. Many people thought the WiiU was a peripheral or add-on to the Wii. Nintendo definitely should've chosen a more original name. The system looked tacky and it wasn't appealing to teenagers and young adults. Furthermore, the game library was severely lacking. By the end of the WiiU's run it did have a respectable game library, but it took a long time for the good games to come. Good games were few and far in-between for the WiiU. For the first few years of the WiiU's existence, Nintendo was a laughing stock. Nintendo was no longer taken seriously in the console wars. Many people thought Nintendo was going to go under. Nintendo was never in any serious danger of going out of business - the company has plenty of money and Nintendo's handheld systems have always been huge successes. Nintendo was never going to go away, but it looked like Nintendo would never be taken seriously as a creator of good consoles ever again! It looked like Nintendo would always have to settle for third place at best. People, such as myself, who were huge supporters of Nintendo were extremely sad. We wanted Nintendo to win, but it was clear Nintendo was losing. However, there was something that gave us hope. It was Super Smash Bros 4. Super Smash Bros 4 was another major success in the Smash franchise. It raised the bar to a whole new level. The roster was stacked and the gameplay was never any better. And this time up to eight people could play at once (previously it was just 4). And Nintendo greatly improved the online multiplayer. The online still wasn't perfect, but it was very enjoyable. Super Smash Bros 4 almost singlehandedly saved the WiiU from being a complete failure. Super Smash Bros 4 made Nintendo respectable once again.

When Nintendo came out with the Switch, critics thought it would fail. Surprisingly it was more popular than people initially thought it would be. Nintendo greatly improved the motion controls - they did this with a combination of making the motion controls much more fluent and by limiting the amount of its use. The motion control are no longer overwhelming or unbearable. Less is more in this particular case. The Wii and WiiU weren't seen as respectable video game system. They were seen more as childish toys. The Switch so far has been seen as a respectable video game system. Mario Odyssey has been a huge hit. Zelda Breath of the Wild has been critically acclaimed. And even though Nintendo is still behind in the graphics department, there really isn't much of a difference between Switch graphics and PlayStation 4/Xbox One graphics. The Switch isn't as powerful as the PS4 or Xbox One, but it isn't far behind. The Switch has also improved online gameplay. Nintendo is rising to the top once again. However, the Switch is still missing something. In my mind that something is Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The fifth game in the legendary Smash Bros series is going to put Nintendo over the top. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One haven't been nearly as popular as people thought they would be. The time is looming for Nintendo to be on top again. Super Smash Bros Ultimate will make Nintendo great again! Ultimate will include the greatest roster ever assembled in a fighting game. It will be a love letter to all Nintendo fans and to any person who has ever liked a video game, whether they're fans of Nintendo or not. This is going to be a must-have game. The character are going to be awesome! The levels are going to be superb! The music is going to be world class! The multiplayer is going to be the best ever! This will be the greatest multiplayer game that the world has ever seen! Not only will friends be playing this game after school and at parties, people are going to be playing against other people online for hours on end. Nintendo will finally get the online right this time! Adults are going to make up excuses to stay home from work. College students are going to skip classes to stay in the dorm and play this game. Kids are going to throw temper-tantrums so they can skip doing their homework and instead be engrained in the greatness of Super Smash Bros Ultimate! Everybody is going to forget about the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One when Ultimate comes out. Nobody will care about GTA or Call of Duty when Ultimate hits game store shelves. This will be a phenomenon! This will be a juggernaut! This will NOT just be a farce! This will be Nintendo's magnum opus! That's a fact!


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