
Showing posts from November, 2017

Ric Flair Was One Of The Greatest Wrestlers of All Time... But He Was A Terrible Role Model

The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will always be remembered as one of the best wrestlers who ever stepped foot in the squared-circle. His stamina, technical ability, drive and passion was second to nobody during his prime years. He was a sixteen time World Champion, and he made the most out of his wrestling career. Wrestling was Ric Flair's life. Wrestling was Ric Flair's mistress. Wrestling was Ric Flair's existence. Ric Flair had a wrestling career that spanned over 30 years. He had great matches and feuds with many other greats of all time. His rivalry with Dusty Rhodes was one of the greatest of all time. His feuds with Ricky Steamboat, Macho Man Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, and Sting were all very memorable. Even though Ric Flair never had a very muscular body, his stamina was second to none. This is how he was able to outlast his opponents and eventually take advantage of their mistakes after they were fatigued. He also wasn't above cheating to win his matches.

Bret Hart Was NOT "Screwed" 20 Years Ago

Twenty years ago this month was the infamous 1997 WWE Survivor Series event. The show didn't have anything notable happen until the main event match between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. These two men absolutely despised each other! Bret Hart was a Canadian hero (there aren't many Canadian heroes), and the Montreal fans were looking forward to him defeating Shawn Michaels and retaining the WWE Championship. Shawn Michaels was a hated figure in Canada. He had said many derogatory things about Canada, and there was even an incident where he humped a Canadian flag in the middle of the ring - this denigration of the flag infuriated millions of Candians. The fans in attendance for this event were looking forward to Bret Hart ripping Shawn Michael's head off. I can't say for certain, but it seemed to me like Bret Hart was nervous during the match. He didn't seem as sharp as usual. The excellence of execution may have been having an off night. I think the pressure of bei

Only John Cena Can Save WWE

Recently a civil war has been brewing in the WWE universe. A few weeks ago Smackdown wrestlers invaded Monday Night Raw. Smackdown, under the leadership of Shane McMahon, believes it is the superior brand. On the other hand, Monday Night Raw wrestlers believe they are superior to the Smackdown stars. They are now going to battle each other at Survivor Series to see who is truly the better brand. This is NOT a good thing - this is a very, very bad thing! Civil wars are never good. The American civil war almost brought down the entire nation. After the Union army defeated the Confederate army, the nation was in a state of shambles. It was a very slow rebuild, and even to this very day southern states are still salty over the loss. This just proves nobody truly wins in a civil war. Why is this happening in the WWE? The answer is quite simply this: independent stars. Over the past few years WWE has hired many wrestlers from the independents. Some of them showed that they belonged in th

Wrestling is Real

I don't understand why many people think professional wrestling is fake. Wrestling is NOT fake. Wrestling is a legitimate sport. When Hulk Hogan lifted up Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3 in front of a crowd over 93,000 people it was all real. There is no faking the action, blood, sweat and tears of a wrestling match. If wrestling was fake, why would Shawn Michaels have tears of joy in his eyes the very first time he won the WWE championship? If wrestling wasn't real, shouldn't Shawn Michaels have just walked off to the back emotionless? This proves wrestling is real: after years of struggling, Shawn Michaels finally reached the top of the mountain, and he couldn't help but display pure joy. Many wrestlers have received severe injuries over the years. If wrestling was fake, there wouldn't be any injuries. Every wrestler would walk away just fine in a staged fight. Professional wrestling matches aren't staged fights. They're the real deal. When a wrestler

Being A Food Critic

This job isn't easy! I'm forced to go to terrible restaurants very frequently. I have to eat disgusting, ill-prepared food. Where have all the good chefs gone? Have they all gone to France? Italy? Germany? Where? Is there a single restaurant that can satisfy Sherwin Stern's palate? I gag whenever I think about all the shit I've consumed! " Man was that shit !" I scream every time I am unsatisfied with my meal. I often think this - why would anybody want to be a food critic ? It's not a job where the rewards are immediately apparent.  The food is almost always crap! The costumer service if often terrible! I get panned by the media for my so called "unfair reviews." I have become a hated figure for my service. I often want to quit! But then I remember I'm working the American people! Yes, in essence I'm taking one for the team. I travel from restaurant to restaurant and I test the food - which is absolute doo-doo 99% of the time. I inform