Bret Hart Was NOT "Screwed" 20 Years Ago

Twenty years ago this month was the infamous 1997 WWE Survivor Series event. The show didn't have anything notable happen until the main event match between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. These two men absolutely despised each other! Bret Hart was a Canadian hero (there aren't many Canadian heroes), and the Montreal fans were looking forward to him defeating Shawn Michaels and retaining the WWE Championship. Shawn Michaels was a hated figure in Canada. He had said many derogatory things about Canada, and there was even an incident where he humped a Canadian flag in the middle of the ring - this denigration of the flag infuriated millions of Candians. The fans in attendance for this event were looking forward to Bret Hart ripping Shawn Michael's head off.

I can't say for certain, but it seemed to me like Bret Hart was nervous during the match. He didn't seem as sharp as usual. The excellence of execution may have been having an off night. I think the pressure of being a Canadian hero was getting to him. He didn't want to let any of his fans down - and he certainly didn't want to lose to the man he absolutely hated. On this night he was prone to make a mistake.

Shawn Michaels took advantage of a mistake Bret Hart made, and he locked Hart in his own Sharpshooter submission. Think about the irony: Shawn Michaels using Bret Hart's most famous maneuver against him in front of thousands of Canadian fans (millions watching at home). Bret Hart tried to get to the ropes, but in the end the pain was just too much and he had to tap out. Shawn Michaels left Bret Hart humiliated in front of his fellow Canadians. But Bret Hart wasn't about to take this loss with dignity!

Bret Hart immediately stood up and tried to claim that he didn't submit. He claimed that the referee "screwed" him. He then looked at Vince Mcmahon (who was doing commentary at that time) and spat in his face! Bret tried to make himself look like a victim. Bret tried to pull a fast-one and get the decision reversed. Thankfully Mcmahon didn't fall for Hart's tricks and he didn't reverse the decision. Bret Hart tapped out. The referee made the right call. Shawn Michaels was rightfully crowned the new WWE Champion.

Bret Hart tried to scam his way out of having this loss on his record. He was hoping that he would be re-rewarded the title. But instead his tactics backfired and he just came across as an immature baby. Bret Hart was humiliated by the fact that he lost in his home country. He was hoping to be a hero to his fellow Canadians. Instead of being a hero, he was just a zero!

The aftermath was just as egregious by Hart. He went backstage and started throwing himself around. He acted like a damn animal. It must've been some scene when this pathetic loser started yelling and screaming.

In the weeks that followed, Bret Hart went to WCW and his career declined. He was obviously way past his prime at this point. Quite Frankly he was a bum during his time in WCW.

After Hart retired he should've admitted that he lied about being "screwed." Unfortunately he didn't do this. To this very day he still claims he was "screwed." WWE should've never inducted Bret Hart into the Hall of Fame in 2006. He doesn't deserve to be in the prestigious Hall of Fame. In fact Bret Hart should've been banned from WWE wrestling all together. Bret Hart shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near a WWE event. Bret Hart should've been treated like the Pete Rose of Wrestling. WWE doesn't need to associate with losers like Bret Hart!  


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