Elton John, Freddie Mercury, and Liberace Are My Heroes

Many of the greatest singers of all time were gay men. A lot of gay men have the natural ability, charisma, flamboyance, creativity and willingness put their whole essence into a piece of art. Gay men have musical prowess in their very veins. University music programs are filled with gay people. It's almost a guarantee that 95% of the male actors in a musical will be gay. In fact, it can be argued that gay people have contributed much more to great music than straight people have. Yet there were many barriers that gay men had to face over the years. Gay people have always been shunned for just simply being who they are. Numerous gay men have been bullied and harassed because of their sexuality. It's even worse if they happen to be famous - especially if they were popular during the 60s, 70s and 80s. A lot of famous gay people had to pretend they weren't gay because the jerks of society wouldn't accept them if they were honest about their sexuality, and they were forced to dance around the issue if it ever got brought up in an interview. The press loves to dig up dirt on people, and reporters (who weren't necessarily homophobic themselves but played into it to get a juicy story that could skyrocket their own careers) would try to find anything that would oust a celebrity and try to bring him or her to shame. We live in a sick society that loves to see people fall. Back then, outing somebody as being gay was the easiest way to derail their career. We've made a lot of progress when it comes to gay rights. Even though we still have a very long way to go, I'm glad we're out of the total dark ages. Sadly, during the mid 1900s we were still in a very bleak time. Back then it wasn't safe to come out of the closet. Understandably, a lot of gay people denied who they were. It was absolute agony for them. They had to live a double life and put on a phony act to please higher society. Thankfully over the years many talented gay people in a variety of different arts have gained fame, and they have proven that there is nothing wrong with being gay. These people were so talented that their greatness could never be denied. Even the most homophobic morons have recognized the unmeasurable talent that many gay people have displayed in the arts. Some former homophobic unwoke schlubs had their heart changed from gay celebrities that they really liked. When it comes to modern music, I believe the three pioneers who showed that gay people are super awesome are Elton John, Freddie Mercury and Liberace!

Elton John has written and sung some of the most beautiful songs of the modern era. He is a true genius when it comes to song writing and performing his works of art. He is a true gentleman and scholar who learned to play the piano at a very early age. But even though he was unbelievably talented, he knew that society wasn't ready to accept his sexuality. He always knew that he was a gay man, but he couldn't come out in the open because at that time it could greatly effect his record sales and popularity. When pressed on the issue of his sexuality by the media, he said he was straight. He even got married to a woman as a publicity stunt, but that marriage unsurprisingly failed and caused much misery for the two of them. In one of the greatest regrets of his life, Elton John didn't do anything to help out the AIDS crisis of the 80s. It was probably because he was afraid that it would hurt his image if was associated with the AIDS crisis. Elton John has always deeply regretted this, and is now doing everything he can to help combat AIDS. Elton John went into therapy in the early 90s. The therapy was mostly about solving his drug issues, but it also helped him fully gain the courage to finally tell the entire world he was gay. Elton John was so talented and his music so beautiful that most people accepted him for who he was and he helped pioneer the way to preach acceptance and tolerance.

Freddie Mercury was unabashedly outrageously flamboyant from the very beginning. He probably came out of the womb wearing women's clothing. He was one of the greatest showmen ever. Queen concerts were always very memorable because of the charm and charisma of Freddie Mercury. He wore very glamorous outfits on stage and would dance around wildly like only a gay man can. He didn't care what people thought of him. He was going to give people a show. He displayed absolutely no fear and he helped pave the way for many flamboyant gay performers who came after him. His music was electrifying and extremely powerful. He wrote and sang some of the greatest rock ballads and anthems of all time! His voice is so legendary that when one of his songs come on, everybody knows it's him singing! He had great range! He could sing in tenor and baritone! There was no ceiling for his genius. Freddie Mercury showed that gay people are cool! Freddie Mercury showed that gay people are absolutely awesome! Unfortunately, Freddie Mercury contracted HIV in the late 80s, which turned into full blown AIDS. He died in 1990 and the musical world lost an absolute legend. But his death helped bring awareness to AIDS and more people joined the fight to combat it.

Liberace was, in my opinion, the greatest pianist of all time. He could play the piano like their was no tomorrow. He was truly a savant. I believe one of the reasons why he could play the piano so well was because he was gay. I don't have any scientific evidence to prove this, but I believe gay people are more naturally gifted with the arts. Liberace was a true gentleman and one of the classiest individuals ever. He too was very flamboyant and effeminate. He wore very expensive and sparkly fur coats and an assortment of other cool attire all the time. He could be a great showman when he performed. Everybody always got their money's worth at his concerts. Unfortunately, because society was so intolerant and stupid during the peak of music career, he could never safely come out and say that he was gay. I don't think he ever really talked about his sexuality much. I think one time a reporter asked him, "When is a great guy like you going to get married?" This question must've felt like a dagger to Liberace. He wasn't interested in women, and gay marriage wasn't legal at that time, so he knew that he was never going to get to experience the joy of marriage. Liberace never got to see the glorious and fabulous day when gay marriage would be legalized and he died before he could get to the proverbial promised land. But I think Liberace would still be very proud of all the things he accomplished. He was one of the greatest musicians of all time, and his legacy proved that gay men are truly beautiful. Once it become public that he was a gay man after his death, many people realized that there is nothing wrong with being gay. Liberace will always be a legend in the gay community.

These men helped pave the way for acceptance and tolerance. The LGBTQ+ community owes a lot to these men. The younger generation of gay men and women are living in a better world because of people like Elton John, Freddie Mercury and Liberace. They had to go through shit, but they survived and thrived. They are absolute legends and everybody, regardless if you're gay or straight, should give them unending gratitude!  


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