
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Star Wars Prequels Were Nearly Perfect

When it comes to Star Wars, the original trilogy can't be matched. I would never have the audacity to say that prequels were as legendary as the original trilogy, but I will say that the prequel trilogy was damn near a masterpiece. These three films were nearly perfect! If George Lucas had just ironed out a few things, the prequels could've been just as adored as the originals. To use a Baseball analogy, Lucas nearly hit a homerun but unfortunately the ball just died at the warning track. Lucas almost had another masterpiece on his hands, but he fell a little bit short. Yes, the prequel trilogy was actually very good, despite what many people think. It had a compelling story, many dramatic moments, tons of action, romance, beautiful music and many other great things! But why is it absolutely despised by many? It definitely has faults, which kept it from being an all-time classic set of films, but it definitely had more positive aspects then negative aspects. Let's dive in a

AEW is Going To Start Another Monday Night War

In the mid-90s times were tough for WWE. Vince McMahon had just gone through the steroid trial that almost put him away in jail for many years. While Mr. McMahon was busy clearing his good name, he took his eye off the ball and let many things slip through his grasp. Huge WWE names, such as Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Mean Gene Okerlund, Razor Ramon, Kevin Nash, Bobby The Brain Heenan, and many others left him in the dust and signed with rival promotion WCW. In the 1980s, everybody knew most of the top competition was in the WWE. WCW had some huge stars, but the vast majority of big names resided within the confines of WWE. That's why WWE crushed WCW during the 80s. It's like choosing between watching the NBA and European League Basketball. Any basketball player worth anything plays in the NBA. Likewise, any wrestler in the 80s who was worth anything (with the exception of Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes) fought in WWE. The European League Basketball championship is a cute l

Les Miserables is Mealy-Mouthed Liberal Dribble

One of the most flamboyant sensations that you will ever see in your life is the musical Les Miserables. It has stunningly awesome and powerful ballads that will shake you to your core! The costumes, scenery and acting - in a real Broadway showing - are some of the finest you'll ever see in your entire life. Only an actor of the highest caliber, who can sing like there is no tomorrow, can pull off a production of this. Les Miserables should only be reserved for the best of the best. Amateur thespians should not attempt this. They'll only embarrass themselves if they try! The story is an emotional rollercoaster filled with twists and turns, political and social commentary, and a very real outlook on life and some of the cruelties of the world we live in. Women will surely weep after the curtain call. Men will feel goosebumps when walking out of the theatre. It has such raw and potent emotion that cannot be fully explained unless you lay witness to it. Many consider it the great