
Showing posts from November, 2018

Shakespeare Was The WORST Playwright of all Time

As a writer myself, I am absolutely outraged when people say Shakespeare was a good playwright. Shakespeare was a bum! His stories sucked! They were derivative, boring, unrealistic (and not in a good way), difficult to understand, unrelatable, cliché, and filled with dog doo! There are many people who wish they could come forward and say these things but are too afraid that they'll be discredited as idiots if they try to share their true feelings about William Shakespeare. There are many university English professors, theatre teachers and acting coaches who wish they could come out of the closet and say they hate the work of Shakespeare. Unfortunately these certain individuals have been bullied by their colleagues and peers to stay silent. In the realm of intelligentsia it's a huge cardinal sin to admit that you hate Shakespeare. College professors are always bullying their fellow staff members. Anybody who goes against the grain on university campuses is seen as a heretic. An

Stanislavski Was The WORST Acting Teacher of All Time

When it comes to modern acting there is no other name that is quite as revered as Konstantin Stanislavski. His "system" is revered among many actors and acting teachers. His influence gave way to modern method acting. Lee Strasberg helped bring Stanislavski's "system" to America, and he expanded on it to created the method acting style that we're accustomed to today. I will not deny that actors trained in Stanislavski's system win the majority of acting awards. I will not deny the fact that many of the greatest actors of all time use Stanislavski's system. I will not deny that actors trained in Stanislavski's system usually give excellent performances. But all of this comes with a great cost! A new breed of actor came about in the 1950s and 1960s that broke away from the classical orthodox style and ushered in more "realism." Classically trained acting, in the eyes of many, seemed way too fake and disingenuous compared to the uber-rea